
Australian ingenuity & Design

on the

global stage.

B.Product is an internationally awarded product development company that specialises in designing, developing and manufacturing innovative products with comprehensive intellectual property strategies.

Our vision is to put Australian ingenuity and design on the global stage, inspring and enabling commercial success.



Since commencing in 2012, we have been humbled by the recognition of leading and premier award ceremonies from around the world.

Our aim is to continue the pursuit to develop products and solutions in a wide range of industry sectors that can enhance our community and, improve our way of life while extending our clients, partners and users business opportunities.

Good Design Award WinnerInternational Design Awards 2018 Gold WinnerInternational Design Awards 2017 Gold WinnerGood Design FinalistInternational Design Awards 2016 Honorable MentionGerman Design Award 2019 Nominee

What We

Believe in.

We believe in Australian manufacturing. As we partner with industries throughout Australia and always look local first when developing our products.

We know that Australia has some of the best designers, engineers and thinkers in the world, yet we are understated in the design world. We want to carve a design identity bringing together and partnering with the best of Australian design know-how and community.